How to Submit a Dispute

Visual Explainer: How to Submit a dispute

How to submit a dispute

  1. If you are not a registered user you need to create an account.
  2. Click Create Account from the homepage
  3. Enter your E-mail address and Create a Password. Confirm password.
  4. Click Create Account
  5. You will receive an e-mail on the e-mail address you provided to Verify Email Address
  6. From the e-mail you receive click on Verify Email Address
  7. You will be re-directed to the My Profile page
  8. First you need to select the profile type:

Individual: The term ‘individual’ refers to a lessor, lessee or third party individual who is registering on behalf of another individual (Example: An individual who as power of attorney)

Company: The term ‘company’ refers to those individuals registering a lease contract of a property which the company is renting. A ‘company’ needs to include the company registration number.

Agent: The term ‘agent’ refers to real estate agents who register on behalf of lessors.

  1. Fill in all personal details
  2. If the profile type is Company or Agent also fill in Company Details
  3. Fill in address fields
  4. Click Save and Proceed

The following fees apply:

Filing of any claim/counter-claim: €10.00

Filing of any reply: €7.00

Submitting a dispute

As a registered user you need to login into your account.

  1. Go to Dispute Resolution
  2. Click on Submit a Dispute
  3. Choose which registered contract you want to open a dispute on by clicking the Submit a Dispute button next to the contract
  4. If the registered contract is not attached to your user please send an email at [email protected] requesting the contract to be attached to your account
  5. On filling the form you will altered to tick whether you are the Lessor or Lessee in the Claim
  6. Once ticked the chosen party will become the Claimant. Then you can proceed to fill in the form and upload any evidence you deem fit for the Claim
  7. Once ready click on the Submit Dispute button
  8. You will be alerted to enter your payment details
  9. After reading the terms & conditions, click on the tick box and press Continue to make the payment.

Replying to a claim or counter claim

As a registered user you need to login into your account. For non-registered user pls follow the step by step guide of the non-registered user: Step by Step Guide

  1. Go to Dispute Resolution
  2. Click on Reply to Claim
  3. Enter the reference numbers of the claim/counter claim you want to reply to
  4. Fill in the form
  5. Once ready click either on the Send Reply button or the Send Reply and Counter Claim button if you want to make a counter claim
  6. You will be alerted to enter your payment details
  7. After reading the terms & conditions, click on the tick box
  8. Then press Continue to make the payment
  9. If you want to make a Counter claim once the payment of the reply has been finalised click on the Send Counter Claim button
  10. Fill in the form
  11. To submit the counter claim click on the Counter Claim button
  12. You will be alerted to enter your payment details
  13. After reading the terms & conditions, click on the tick box and press Continue to make the payment
  14. If the registered contract is not attached to your user please send an email at [email protected] requesting the contract to be attached to your account.


A withdrawal from a Claim is decided by the Adjudicating Panel, hence charges of a claim still applies.

As a registered user you need to login into your account

  1. Go to Dispute Resolution
  2. Click on My Disputes
  3. Choose which registered contract you want to withdraw by clicking the View button next to the contract
  4. Go to the Withdrawals section and press the button
  5. Click on the Request to Withdraw Dispute button fill in the form and attach any evidence you deem fit then press again the Request to Withdraw Dispute button
  6. Once this button is pressed the Adjudication Panel together with all parties involved in the dispute will be alerted by email that a request to withdraw dispute has been submitted
  7. The other parties will have the option to reply to this request through their user account
  8. The Adjudication Panel will then decide on whether to accept or refuse this request.


As a registered user you need to login into your account. If you are a non-registered user please follow the step by step guide.

  1. To search for decisions issued by the Adjudicating Panel of the Housing Authority please follow the instructions
  2. Go to Registry of Panel Decisions
  3. Click on Open Search Form button
  4. You have three options on how to search for finalised decisions:
    1. By Date search
    2. By Reference search
    3. By Parties (name) search
  5. Once chosen which search type you want, click on the Search button
  6. If you want to see the decision of the Adjudicating Panel on a particular dispute, click on the pdf file next to the dispute

Dispute Resolution Panel

The law regarding Private Residential Leases established a new mechanism which shall offer a more accessible remedy both to the lessors as well as the lessees who shall have a lease registered with the Housing Authority.

The parties can lodge a claim as indicated in Cap 604 on minor disputes such as deposit and maintenance not exceeding the value of €5,000.

This panel offers a fast and accessible remedy in the event that the lessors fail to undertake maintenance tasks which fall under their responsibility or withhold the deposit or part thereof without a justified reason; or in the event that the tenants leave the property in a ruined state.

Civil code 

Visual Explainer: Resolution Panel

Subsidiary Legislation - Adjudicating Panel for Private Residential Leases

Submit a Dispute

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